Arms Armory Management System

Weapon Tracking System

Police Weapon Tracking ● Military Weapon Tracking

RFID Weapons Tracking ● Bar Code Weapons Tracking

Armory Weapons Management ● Warehouse Weapons Management 877-280-7343

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Weapons Maintenance

During weapon inspections or based on an officer or solider identifying a problem with a weapon, weapons maintenance is required on a periodic basis.  ARMS includes the ability to produce a weapons transmittal form and transfer weapons to a vendor or to an organization’s own weapon repair location.

ARMS includes a standard 3-part weapons tag, including a section to hand to person submitting the weapon (weapon receipt), a section to hang onto the weapon while being services, and a section to document the maintenance event (such as officer performing the maintenance, duration of maintenance, parts used, actual disposition etc.).

All data about the maintenance event are stored in ARMS as part of an audit trail record.  ARMS includes data about every weapon maintenance event from time of weapon acquisition through the weapon’s final disposition.

