Diagnostic Light Stacks
> USB RFID Scanner
> Fixed RFID Readers
> RFID Antennas
> Motion Sensors
> Diagnostic Light Stack
> Touch Screen Computer
> Touch Screen Monitor
> Servers
> Biometric Fingerprint Pad
> Electronic Signature Pad
> Network Lighstack/Alarm
> Video Cameras
> Access Control
> RFID Portals
> Active RFID
Diagnostic Light Stacks
Diagnostic light stacks connect-to and are powered-by RFID fixed readers.
Diagnostic light stacks are utilized for real-time, visual validation that RFID hardware is in good working condition and that hardware is detecting RFID tags.
When a reader turns on, a combination of lights is triggered. When tags are detected, a different combination of lights is triggered. As such, staff within and armory have immediate, real-time diagnostics of hardware and system performance.
Light stacks are optionally available with built-in alarm. The alarm is triggered when a tag or tags are detected at a doorway, issue-return window or other choke-point that conflict with prevailing business rules. For example, if an object tag is detected at a doorway, but no person-tag is detected, the alarm can be triggered.
The ARMS Armory Management System also supports reader-connected alarms independently of light stacks. Lights and/or alarms can be triggered according to security protocols and based on tag(s) detected.