Weapon Security

RFID Weapon Security
ARMS software keeps track of the location and status of weapons, and will lookup the weapon in the database when detected at an armory exit. If a RFID tagged weapon is exiting the armory in an unauthorized manner, lights will begin flashing and an alarm will sound, alerting armory personnel to a breach of security.
A customer’s existing video camera system or ARMS security cameras are continuously capturing video or capturing video based on motion detected at an armory exit. The security breach is logged to ARMS software and is time/date stamped in ARMS software, which can be compared to the same time/date stamp on the video to identify the person(s) associated with the unauthorized weapon(s) removal.
ARMS software will automatically email security breach email alerts to designated security officer email addresses, and adds the security breach event to the ARMS transaction history audit log. SMS text alerts can also be automatically transmitted to designated cell phone numbers.
ARMS software also maintains a history of each time weapons are issued, returned or inventoried. ARMS software includes standard reports that identify any weapon(s) that have not been detected within ½ day increments, alerting armory personnel to review the weapon’s database record in ARMS, and to determine the weapon’s current location, to ensure that the weapon is accounted for properly.
ARMS software can also be integrated with door access control or locking systems, to automatically lock doors in case of the detection of a RFID-tagged weapon approaching an armory exit in an unauthorized manner.