
Biometric Personnel Validation
The ARMS Armory Management System supports biometric personnel identification utilizing fingerprint pads. When personnel are enrolled within the ARMS software, their fingerprint is scanned multiple times and each is saved as the person’s biometric marker.
When personnel present at an armory to receive weapons, gear and/or ammo, their fingerprint is scanned utilizing the fingerprint pad. ARMS software then compares the captured fingerprint against the fingerprints saved in the ARMS software. The fingerprint is matched to the fingerprint biometric markers, and the personnel photo displays on the armorers computer authenticating the person for receipt of weapons, gear and ammo.
If fingerprint markers do not exist within the ARMS software for a person, the armorer is alerted that personnel authentication is not possible. The person’s fingerprints must be added to the database prior to issuing weapons, gear or ammo, unless an emergency event. In case of emergency, the security alert can be overridden by the armorer and weapons, gear and ammo transferred utilizing ARMS software screens.