Arms Armory Management System

Weapon Tracking System

Police Weapon Tracking ● Military Weapon Tracking

RFID Weapons Tracking ● Bar Code Weapons Tracking

Armory Weapons Management ● Warehouse Weapons Management 877-280-7343

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Overview of Personnel Authentications and Officer Certifications

Police, military and other security personnel must be periodically and continually qualified to carry differing weapon types. Qualification cycles vary based on type personnel authorizations, for example, a ‘standard’ officer may have an annual qualification cycle, whereas a ‘no-knock’ officer may have a shorter cycle between qualifications.

ARMS maintains database records for all authorized personnel, including personnel index information, photograph, fingerprint and weapon certifications. When personnel are being issued weapons, the officer’s assigned weapons and all weapons required for post assignment display as photos on the computer screen. Weapons with corresponding current certification border in green color indicating ‘OK to Transfer’, and weapons without certification or an expired certification border in red color indicating ‘Do Not Transfer’. Armorer must override alert in order to transfer unauthorized weapons, and, ARMS software maintains and audit trail record summarizing the event.

ARMS tracks each officer qualification test and test results. When entering test results, the next date that qualification testing is required for weapon recertification(s) can be entered by armorer or auto-calculated based on business rules.

