Arms Armory Management System

Weapon Tracking System

Police Weapon Tracking ● Military Weapon Tracking

RFID Weapons Tracking ● Bar Code Weapons Tracking

Armory Weapons Management ● Warehouse Weapons Management 877-280-7343

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Personnel Mustering

Many organizations have mustering points established, policies and mustering drills so that staff know where to go and the procedures in case of emergency or disaster. However, when there is a true disaster, people only think of safety-of-life and rarely will divert their safety flight relative to mustering points and mustering policies.

It is critical that 1st Responders have information on who is within a building or on-grounds/premises, and, ideally, where people are located within a facility or exterior to a facility. Because traditional card, pin # or biometric cards only track the person that engaged with the access control hardware, and not persons that traveled into a building or within a building along with the person that was identified by the access control system, the data available to 1st Responders is most often woefully inadequate.

The ARMS system includes a backup, remote database that can be accessed even if power is cut or there is damage to an organization’s computing infrastructure. Active RFID antennas and wireless mesh networks can be strategically placed outside of a facility(s), so that people are passively tracked whether they exit through facility doors, through windows or through damaged walls. Personnel, contractor and personnel location data automatically updates the ARMS local and remote databases, so that 1st Responders or anyone appropriate can determine who had entered the building prior to the disaster, and, who exited the building after the disaster.

If passive RFID is utilized within buildings, not only will 1st Responders know who remains in a building, but where they are within the building. Pinpoint location data enables rescue personnel to get to the people that need assistance quickly for medical and rescue services.

Assuming that it is know that people are in the building, but their specific locations are not known, portable RFID scanners can be used to locate people within the facility for provision of needed services. Portable scanners have a detection range of up to approximately 1,500’.

