Arms Armory Management System

Weapon Tracking System

Police Weapon Tracking ● Military Weapon Tracking

RFID Weapons Tracking ● Bar Code Weapons Tracking

Armory Weapons Management ● Warehouse Weapons Management 877-280-7343

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Weapon Rack Tags

It is commonplace for armories to assign specific weapon(s) to personnel, such that when personnel  receive weapons for a security shift, they are issued the exact same weapon(s) each time…based on the weapon-types required for their post-assignment.

RFID tags can be placed on racks, shelves, bins, pallets or at any storage location to uniquely identify the location.  The ARMS Armory Management System saves the location tag’s ID # in the ARMS database.  

When weapons, gear, ammo or containers are placed into storage, the location tag and the object tags are scanned with a portable RFID scanner.  The exact location of weapons updates to ARMS database via WiFi or USB sync.

